Islam : One Giant Family that we should learn and embrace

Islam : One Giant Family that we should learn and embrace

Posted by ZAAHARA .COM on

What is Islam? Is it only a religion? No, it is a way of life. It is also, one big gigantic family. There are approximately 1.8 billion Muslims living on this Earth currently (and that number keeps growing). So Islam is basically a family of 1.8 billion people.

Although we do not come from the same blood, it does not dismiss us as not the same family. Islam is spread amongst the world. From different continents to different countries to different regions to different tribes to different family names.

We may discover that we share no common ground with most people. However, one thing is for certain : we share the same faith. And faith has the strength to bring people together in a way that not many other things can. Faith allows people to unite and to stand together in solitary.

It gives people the strength to get through this cold and heartbreaking dunya (world). Our faith : Islam, allows us to have one major thing in common. It is our love and worship towards Allah (s.w.t) and Allah (s.w.t) alone.

With the rise of hate crimes and discrimination towards our fellow muslims and our religion of Islam, it is important that we come together to pray for the Ummah. We are all the people of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w). 1438 years ago, our Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) migrate to Medina in an attempt to save our religion and to save our people from disbelieving. His love and his tears run through our veins. I may not be his descendant, but I am his people. And the same applies to all of us.

In the eyes of our Creator : Allah (s.w.t), we are all seen as one nation, one united people. Yes, we may have different lives and different jobs, different cultures and different opinions.

But that is only the worldly categories that society made for us : nationalities/races/ages/occupations etc. The only category that Allah (s.w.t) accepts for us is the one category that He made for us : religion.

We should be lucky that Allah (s.w.t) blessed us with Islam in our lives. We should strive to choose Islam instead of inheriting Islam. This means educating ourselves and gaining knowledge for ourselves in our beautiful faith of Islam.

In the world right now, so many of our Muslim brothers and sisters are suffering. Our children are crying in the abandoned streets of Yemen, Syria, Palestine and more. More and more casualties are left in the cold : their bodies and their blooding running through the streams of their pipelines.

We should know that Allah (s.w.t) has a plan for all of us. He knows what we do not know. His knowledge is beyond anything that we might think we know. Therefore, it is obvious that Allah (s.w.t) will ease the burden for our brothers and sisters and that He will reward their devotion, faith and trust in Allah (s.w.t) in either this dunya or in the Hereafter. However, it does not mean that we should not lend a helping hand to them.

If you are in a position to help, then help them as much as you can. Maybe Allah (s.w.t) is answering their prayers through your help. We never know. But Allah (s.w.t) gives each and every one of us blessings therefore we should not take that lightly or for granted. We should help our fellow Muslims.

The way in which we help does not need to be grand or extravagant. We can help by donating our time or money. We can help by providing shelter or raising awareness (at the injustice). We can also, and most importantly, help by making dua and prayers for them.

This is the most powerful thing : prayer and dua. A genuine dua can change everything. Never doubt what a genuine heart can do and never doubt the power and mercy of Allah (s.w.t).

All He needs to say is “Be”, and it shall be. Therefore, never lose hope. Never lose faith. Always keep your head down in dua and prayer and keep your spirits high. We are one big family. We were put on this Earth together, there must be a reason for it. Therefore, we must help one another.



Article is written by: 

Fatin Najwa binti Daud, is a medical student studying at IMU Malaysia. She is a freelance writer of this blog at Zaahara. Interests include music, art, sports and travel.

-Photos are taken from google images

© 2016 Zaahara Ventures Sdn. Bhd.

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