Productive Muslim: The Practical Guide on finding the dunya akhirah balance

Ever wondered if there's a practical way to lead a productive lifestyle that combines the best of Islamic tradition and modern psychology and science?

Based on his first launched book "The ProductiveMuslim" Mohammed Faris, the founder of, provides this practical framework that helps urban global Muslims lead a productive lifestyle ­ Spiritually, Physically, and Socially.

Combining his love for Islam with modern productivity techniques, Brother Mohammed Faris will teach you:

  • How spirituality can boost your productivity

  • How to manage your sleep, nutrition, and fitness (spiritually, physically, and socially)

  • How to be socially productive outside your home and community

  • How to manage your focus in an age of distractions

  • How to build productive habits and routines

  • How to manage your time and invest in your hereafter



Mohammed Faris


The Speaker

Mohammed Faris is an internationally sought speaker, coach, and author who spearheaded the niche of productivity. He is the Founder of, the popular online platform, blog, and productivity training organisation that serves the Muslim World.

He has delivered talks and trainings at numerous events and seminars across the world including UK, Malaysia, Singapore, Nigeria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and USA, as well as featured on international media. In 2014, the Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Centre added him to the World’s 500 Most Influential Muslims list.


The Venue



Nearby Hotels: 


The Time

Time Program
10:00 AM Registration
11:00 AM Program starts
1:15 PM Lunch and Zuhr break
2:15 PM Program resumes
4:45 PM Asr break
5:15 PM Q&A and book signing


Book Your Seat


EARLY BIRD                                                                                               

Open for 100 paxs only

or until  February 15 2018 11:59 PM

RM98 per person


Depending on seat availability

RM150 per person

 How can this one day seminar helps you?

  • This one day talk will guide you on how to find the balance of Dunya and Akhirah by understanding the role of a Muslim
  • How you can manage your time accordingly by planning well according to the solah time frame
  • How to plan your life based on akhirah to achieve the success of dunya
  • The practical guide that you receive will definitely be a good tool for you to practice and share with your loved ones
  • You can be the ambassador of Productive Muslim as what has been missing in this critical era