10 Famous Muslimah Bloggers in Indonesia

10 Famous Muslimah Bloggers in Indonesia

Posted by ZAAHARA .COM on

With modest fashion blooming its way throughout the entire globe, glamorous Muslimahs with exquisite fashion sense are gaining more attention. People, Muslim or not, are curious to see what they wear and what they do. It is fortunate that all they need to do to appease their thirst to know more of the famous Muslimahs is go on their blogs and read their entries.

  1. Dian Pelangi

Dian Pelangi

Dian Pelangi is a twenty-eight year old Indonesian who has a fantastic fashion line named after her. Her much sought after boutiques are strewn all over the most exciting cities in Indonesia. Among her plethora of posts, her readers can learn how she puts on her hijab in her tutorials with helpful pictures, be reminded on some religious beliefs, and be awed by her fascinating travels across oceans.

  1. Diana Safira

Diana Safira

Diana Safira, born and raised in Indonesia, she is a loving mother and has a deep passion for fashion. She does not let the Islamic way of life of wearing a hijab refrain her from accessorizing in lovely trinkets. This is proven in all her breath-taking pictures around the world, from Malibu to Japan, Switzerland and France.

  1. Fitri Aulia

Fitri Aulia

With an education in fashion from Lasalle College Jakarta, Fitri Aulia has two fashion lines, an affordable one named KIVITZ and a luxurious one named after her. Her beloved husband by her side as brand manager, her blog presents readers with a link to her fashion catalog, the method of purchasing her spectacular items, a link to her online store and her own hijab tutorials on Youtube.

  1. Ghaida Tsurayya

Ghaida Tsurayya

Ghaida Tsurayya is a dedicated mother who often blogs of her children’s adorable antics and her adventures with them. The pictures she provides of herself and her family are wonderfully photographed and touches readers’ hearts with its obvious warmth. If her readers are interested in obtaining the clothing items she wears, they can read the full lists she writes of where she bought them.

  1. Indah Nada Puspita

Indah Nada Puspita

Indah Nada Puspita claims to be just another ordinary girl who travels the world, but her blog tells her readers she is quite exceptional. Starting out as an assignment given to her by her teacher, her blog is now where she writes about the intriguing food she eats in distant lands and eloquent poems on self-improvement.

  1. Jenahara


Another talented fashion designer, Jenahara’s blog caters to promoting her fashion line with splendid shots of her stunning creations, behind the scenes pictures of how her fashion videos were made and the aforementioned videos itself. To get to know her on a personal level, her readers can read her entertaining pregnancy stories and see the scrumptious food she cooks.


  1. Suci Utami

Suci Utami

Suci Utami was a simple blogger whose fame grew and became a fashion designer. This proud mother of two frequently vlogs on how she adorns herself in hijab, paints her face with makeup and cook up a delicious meal. Her small loving family travels together to Melbourne, Malaysia and Singapore.

  1. Siti Juwariyah

Siti Juwariyah

Siti Juwariyah is very close to her husband and sons, but she divides her time equally to run her fashion business, Kaffah Apparel. Pictures of her photoshoot can be seen on her blog, and readers can learn of her own fashion preferences through her writing. She also shares her personal stories with her family by posting about her 30th birthday celebration in Faunaland Ancol.

  1. Ria Miranda

Ria Miranda

Brand ambassador of renowned names such as Molto and Wardah Cosmetic, Ria Miranda is famous for her own name as the founder of Ria Miranda clothing line. This beauty is radiant enough to model for her own designs; and in her blogs, her readers get to look at happy pictures of her travels to London with her husband and children while admiring her marvellous outfits.

  1. Lulu Elhasbu

Lulu Elhasbu

Lulu Elhasbu designs clothing with her line, ELHasbu and has a modelling agency, Zaura Models and has written a book entitled Everyone Can Be A Role Model. In her blog, her followers can get to know the extravagant events she goes to and the beauty products she uses.

Visiting these Muslimahs’ blogs is never a waste of time as their writings are interesting and fun and the pictures they include are overwhelmingly beautiful. One cannot help but to admire these successful women who make time to look good.




Nur Jalilah Binti Abdul Aziz, freelance writer of this blog at Zaahara. Interests include blog writing, academic writing and creative writing.

-Photos are taken from google images

© 2018 Zaahara Ventures Sdn. Bhd.

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