10 Famous Muslimah Bloggers in Malaysia

10 Famous Muslimah Bloggers in Malaysia

Posted by ZAAHARA .COM on

‘Dear diary’ marks the start of an entry for everyone who keeps a hardcopy diary. Pouring out your thoughts and emotions are necessary to lift the weight off your shoulders once in a while, and conversing with people sometimes is not the best solution as they might not comprehend your true feelings; hence, writing in your diary which not a soul will read and your secrets will be kept out of reach is preferred.

Though, now that the Internet has blossomed into a highway connecting people and serves as a platform to share your ideas, people opt for writing blogs instead of keeping a hardcopy diary.

Some bloggers wish to remain anonymous as they can hide behind their pixelated masks and vent their true suppressed feelings, but for those who do not want to go incognito, write blogs for the world to read and enjoy.

Sabrina Tajudin is a famous Muslimah blogger from Malaysia who frequently blogs about the fabulous makeup and fashion she adores. She occasionally writes about her amusing travels as well as other fascinating lifestyle topics too.



She does not only blog, in fact, she even vlogs! Her videos are makeup tutorials and product reviews which are indeed helpful to makeup lovers out there. Due to popular demand, she started her own line of makeup, Breena Beauty, which offers Muslim-friendly vegan makeup brushes.

Another Malaysian blogger is Umairah Shafie. This 27 year old is a student at Akademi Seni Budaya Dan Warisan Kebangsaan (ASWARA). She has dreams of becoming a writer which is evident in her eloquently written blogs with topics on movies and books, she also wittily writes her own Malay poems.

More inclined with her spirituality, Pena Ainun Mardhiah blogs about her religious learnings as a student pursuing her master’s degree in International Islamic University Malaysia. Among her many Islamic endeavours, this loving wife reminds her readers to forever seek Allah’s devotion with an advice given to her by her ustazah.

Dena Kamarul Bahrin is a young wife and mother who blogs about her life such as her challenging yet enlightening pregnancy experience and the endurance she faced at childbirth. She is fluent in both Malay and English which she showcases in her poems and intriguing stories.

Nadia Syamila’s blog is not only a soothing balm to her readers’ eyes with its pastel hues and feminine background; it is also a place where they can learn more about Islam by reading her writings which include verses from the Quran.

Her wonderful reminders about faith in Allah bring tranquillity to her readers’ hearts complemented by the music theme that automatically plays.

For more adventurous stories in exciting foreign lands, Adibah Awang is the blogger to go to. This blogger writes and vlogs about her journeys in gloomy Melbourne and in beautiful Bali.

Because every joy is met with some sadness, she also writes about mental illnesses and her past struggles with meeting her New Year’s resolutions.

A devoted mother and a dedicated doctor, Fatin Liyana is famous for her natural beauty and her wordy entertaining writing. Since the birth of her adorable baby girl, she writes constantly about her parenting including giving recipes for baby weaning food. The images in her blogs increase her readers’ interests and make her message clearer.

Lyssa Faizureen has thousands of followers and it is no wonder as this endearing braces-wearing Bachelor’s degree holder in Software Engineering provides her readers with tips on makeup and haircare. The products she uses are affordable and ubiquitous; every one of her readers can easily obtain them and read her tips for better usage.

From a blogger to becoming a model, then a TV host, then an actress, people wonder ‘Is there anything that Hanis Zalikha cannot do?’ If her readers still question her fame, they can simply read about her in the media on her blog. In her blog, she gives beauty tips, recipes and relationship advice.

Cik Epal which translates to Miss Apple is a delightful 26 year old in advertising who blogs her recipes, both Western meals and local Malay dishes, and her travels in the country and abroad too.

Cik Epal


She also gives beauty tips. Furthermore, the pictures of herself, her son and her husband are stunningly photographed and sweet to look at.

There is a lot that you can learn from these Muslimah Malaysian bloggers, it could be about Islam or about beauty products or about travels or even some solutions to hardships a typical woman faces. Without a doubt, you do not lose anything by reading their blogs. So what are you waiting for?





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