100 Allah's teaching in Quran for entire human

100 Allah's teaching in Quran for entire human

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  1. Do not say abusive.

(QS 3 - Ali Imran: 159)

  1. Hold angry.

(QS 3 - Ali Imran: 134)

  1. Be kind to others.

(QS 4 - An Nisaa ': 36)

  1. Do not be arrogant and proud.

(QS 7 - Al A'raaf: 13)

  1. Excuse others.

(QS 7 - Al A'raaf: 199)

  1. Speak in subtle and polite tone.

(QS 20 - Thaahaa: 44)

  1. Lower your voice.

(QS 31 - Luqman: 19)

  1. Do not ridicule others.

(QS 49 - Al Hujuraat: 11)

  1. Be good to your parents

(QS 17 - Al Israa ': 23)

  1. Do not issue words that do not respect parents (parents).

(QS 17 - Al Israa ': 23)


  1. Do not enter the private room of your parents without permission.

(QS 24 - An Nuur: 58)


  1. Record your debts.

(QS 2 - Al Baqarah: 282)


  1. Do not follow people blindly.

(QS 2 - Al Baqarah: 170)


  1. Give a longer period to those who borrows your money in case they are in diificulty.

(QS 2 - Al Baqarah: 280)


  1. Do not eat riba '/ borrow money

(QS 2 - Al Baqarah: l


  1. Do not commit bribery

(QS 2 - Al Baqarah: 188)


  1. Do not neglect or break promise

(QS 2 - Al Baqarah: 177)


  1. Take care of others to you

(QS 2 - Al Baqarah: 283)


  1. Do not mix truth with lies

(QS 2 - Al Baqarah: 42)


  1. Be fair to everyone

(QS 4 - An Nisaa ': 58)


  1. Establish justice fairly

(QS 4 - An Nisaa ': 135)


  1. The property of the deceased should be shared with the family member

(QS 4 - An Nisaa ': 7)


  1. Women have the right of inheritance

(QS 4 - An Nisaa ': 7)


  1. Do not eat the orphan's property

(QS 4 - An Nisaa ': 10)


  1. Protect orphans

(QS 2 - Al Baqarah: 220)


  1. Do not waste your property / wealth

(QS 4 - An Nisaa ': 29)


  1. Make peace with those who disagree

(QS 49 - Al Hujuraat: 9)


  1. Avoid prejudice

(QS 49 - Al Hujuraat: 12)


  1. Do not defame people / slander

(QS 2 - Al Baqarah: 283)


  1. Do not defame people /slander

(QS 49 - Al Hujuraat: 12)


  1. Use property for social activities

(QS 57 - Al Hadid: 7)


  1. Get used to feeding the poor

(QS 107 - Al Maa'uun: 3)


  1. Help the poor who are in the way of Allah

(QS 2 - Al Baqarah: 273)


  1. Do not spend money to boast

(QS 17 - Al Israa ': 29)


  1. Do not mention your charity

(QS 2 - Al Baqarah: 264)


  1. Respect your guests

(QS 51 - Adz Dzaariyaat: 26)


  1. Order the virtue after we have done it ourselves

(QS 2 - Al Baqarah: 44)


  1. Do not do damage on earth

(QS 2 - Al Baqarah: 60)


  1. Do not block people from coming to the mosque

(QS 2 - Al Baqarah: 114)


  1. Fight against those who fight you

(QS 2 - Al Baqarah: 190)


  1. Keep the war ethics

(QS 2 - Al Baqarah: 191)


  1. Do not run away from war

(QS 8 - Al Anfaal: 15)


  1. There is no compulsion to enter religion (Islam)

(QS 2 - Al Baqarah: 256)


  1. Believe in the Prophets

(QS 2 - Al Baqarah: 285)


  1. Do not have sex in menstruation

(QS 2 - Al Baqarah: 222)


  1. ​​Dissolve your children for two full years

(QS 2 - Al Baqarah: 233)


  1. Don’t be involve in Zina / sex before marriage

(QS 17 - Al Israa ': 32)


  1. Choose leaders from their merits. Choose leaders based on their knowledge and services

(QS 2 - Al Baqarah: 247)


  1. Do not burden people beyond their ability

(QS 2 - Al Baqarah: 286)


  1. Do not want to be divided

(QS 3 - Ali Imran: 103)


  1. Reflect on the wonders and creation of this universe

(QS 3 - Ali Imran 3: 191)


  1. Men and women get the same reward as they do

(QS 3 - Ali Imran: 195)


  1. Do not marry those who are ashamed of you

(QS 4 - An Nisaa ': 23)


  1. The family must be led (imam) by a man

(QS 4 - An Nisaa ': 34)


  1. Do not be stingy

(QS 4 - An Nisaa ': 37)


  1. Do not envy

(QS 4 - An Nisaa ': 54)


  1. Do not kill each other

(QS 4 - An Nisaa ': 92)


  1. Do not defend the dishonesty or lies

(QS 4 - An Nisaa ': 105)


  1. Do not work in sin and violence

(QS 5 - Al Maa-idah: 2)


  1. Work in the truth

(QS 5 - Al Maa-idah: 2)


  1. The majority are not the criterion of truth

(QS 6 - Al An'aam: 116)


  1. It's fair

(QS 5 - Al Maa-idah: 8)


  1. Give punishment for every crime

(QS 5 - Al Maa-idah: 38)


  1. Fight against sinfulness and break the law

(QS 5 - Al Maa-idah: 63)


  1. It is forbidden to eat dead animals, blood and pork

(QS 5 - Al Maa-idah: 3)


  1. Avoid poison and alcohol

(QS 5 - Al Maa-idah: 90)


  1. Do not gamble

(QS 5 - Al Maa-idah: 90)


  1. Do not insult other people's beliefs or religions

(QS 6 - Al An'aam: 108)


  1. Do not reduce scales for cheating

(QS 6 - Al An'aam: 152)


  1. Eat and drink enough

(QS 7 - Al A'raaf: 31)


  1. Wear good clothes during prayer

(QS 7 - Al A'raaf: 31)


  1. Protect and help those who seek refuge

(QS 9 - At Taubah: 6)

  1. Maintain purity

(QS 9 - At Taubah: 108)

  1. Never despair of Allah's help

(QS 12 - Yusuf: 87)

  1. Allah forgives the sinner for the sake of excellence

(QS 16 - An Nahl: 119)

  1. Call on the way of Allah in a way that is good and wise

(QS 16 - An Nahl: 125)

  1. Nobody carries the sin of others

(QS 17 - Al Israa ': 15)

  1. Do not kill your children for fear of poverty

(QS 17 - Al Israa ': 31)

  1. Do not follow something you do not know about it

(QS 17 - Al Israa ': 36)

  1. Keep away from words and deeds that are of no use

(QS 23 - Al Mu'minuun: 3)

  1. Do not enter someone's house without the permission of the homeowner

(QS 24 - An Nuur: 27)

  1. Allah guarantees goodness only to those who believe in Allah

(QS 24 - An Nuur: 55)

  1. Walk humble on earth

(QS 25 - Al Furqaan: 63)

  1. Do not forget the enjoyment of the world that Allah has given

(QS 28 - Al Qashash: 77)

  1. Do not worship other than Allah

(QS 28 - Al Qashash: 88)

  1. Do not engage in homosexuality

(QS 29 - Al 'Ankabuut: 29)

  1. Do good and avoid wrongdoing

(QS 31 - Luqman: 17)

  1. Do not walk proudly in the face of the earth

(QS 31 - Luqman: 18)

  1. Women are prohibited from displaying

(QS 33 - Al Ahzab: 33)

  1. Allah forgives all our sins

(QS 39 - Az Zumar: 53)

  1. Do not despair of forgiveness from Allah

(QS 39 - Az Zumar: 53)

  1. Repay evil with goodness

(QS 41 - Fushshilat: 34)

  1. Solve problems with consultation

(QS 42 - Asy Syuura: 38)

  1. The most honorable person in the sight of Allah is the righteous

(QS 49 - Al Hujuraat: 13)

  1. There is no known monastery in religion (Islam)

(QS 57 - Al Hadid: 27)

  1. Allah will raise the ranks of those who are knowledgeable

(QS 58 - Al Mujaadilah: 11)

  1. Treat non-Muslims fairly and fairly

(QS 60 - Al Mumtahanah: Ü

  1. Avoid selfishness

(QS 64 - At Taghaabun: 16)

  1. Seek forgiveness of Allah

(73:20 Al Muzzammil)

  1. Do not harass the person who begged

(QS 93 - Adh Dhuhaa: 10)

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