5 Things You Should Know About Telekung Project

5 Things You Should Know About Telekung Project

Posted by ZAAHARA .COM on


Telekung Project; how many of you readers have heard of this admirable organisation? So many questions run through one’s head when we hear a name such as Telekung Project. ‘Is it another telekung brand?’, ‘Is it some kind of charity organisation?’, and ‘Is it a new a new telekung fad much like Siti Khadijah?’ This particular article will be examining the Telekung Project more closely and present to you readers what exactly is it that you need to know about it.

First and foremost, let us take a stroll down history lane and truly explore where and when exactly did Telekung Project begin. It all began from one little girl’s journey to become a good Muslim and her mother being involved in it every step of the way.

Founder Azila Aziz always wanted to instil in her children the need to perform solat whenever necessary and so she always made sure to stop by any surau if they were outside so that her 7-year-old daughter Sofea would be able to also pray. Upon one such instance, they encountered a surau of a shopping mall to have very dirty and smelly telekungs there.

The curiosity of young Sofea piqued, and she asked her mother how important is cleanliness in Islam. Hence, the birth of a noble and beautiful idea. Azila Aziz immediately launched into the project of taking these dirty telekung and cleaning them up only to return them to their rightful place once it was spotless. Since then, Telekung Project has grown into a more renowned name and has dealt with all kinds of issues of importance.

Secondly, let’s answer that initial question of what exactly is Telekung Project? For those of you who are interested to know, Telekung Project is actually an NGO (non-profit organisation) that was founded by one Azila Aziz. This extremely admirable organisation is completely dedicated to the need of giving back to those who are in need in the form of wakaf as well as other humanitarian pursuits. What a better way to begin Ramadhan than by actually celebrating it with the gift of giving and generosity, right? This is clearly the perfect opportunity to do some good for others as well as for one’s soul.

The third thing that one must know about Telekung Project is how their wakaf division works exactly. Wakaf basically means to give an item whereby the person who receives can use it. Telekung Project has many “projects” where plenty of Muslims can wakaf useful and much needed Islamic items such as the telekung, prayer mats, pelikat cloths, kopiah and prayer beads for Tasbih.

Aside from that, they also accept donations in order to help the orphans who are in need of bicycles for school transportation. Imagine seeing the happy smiling faces of orphans who not only get bicycles for their recreational use but also as a mode of transportation to go to school. MashaAllah, what an incredibly beautiful gift it is for the children and also for your soul.

Aside from that Telekung Project also helps raises funds for those who are in desperate need such as orphanages and shelters. For instance, just this May of 2017, Telekung Project urged many of us Muslim brothers and sisters to donate funds for Rumah Jalinan Kasih, a shelter for orphans and the poor alike. This shelter unfortunately has many outstanding bills for both electricity and water as well as outstanding payments for the rent of the male and female dormitories.

This isn’t an issue that one can simply wave away like a vanishing spell from Harry Potter. This is one issue where we Muslims must come together to help our very own people survive in this world. So, what are you waiting for? Donate as much as you can afford to for the sake of these people.

Moreover, unlike most organisations that give back to the masses, this particular NGO is so incredible in the sense that it literally helps raises funds for some families’ new born babies whom have very serious health conditions. Take for example Baby Ammar, a 4-month-old boy who desperately needs to go to China for heart transplant surgery. Telekung Project is there to beseech us Muslim brothers and sisters to donate our money for this precious little boy. Baby Ammar is the first born of a house wife and a father who works as silver ring smith of sorts. Their income doesn’t come close to reaching the target needed for Ammar’s transplant surgery which costs a whopping RM 160k. The organisation also helps other babies in need of expensive surgeries so don’t hesitate to lend out a helping hand. Let us forget about the worldly pursuits in life such as the latest Duckscarf design or how much food one can gorge oneself with during iftar. Let us instead practice being selfless and give back to the society during this holy month.


Article is written by: 

Nur Jalilah Binti Abdul Aziz, freelance writer of this blog at Zaahara. Interests include blog writing, academic writing and creative writing.

-Photos are taken from google images

© 2016 Zaahara Ventures Sdn. Bhd.


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