The importance of prayer that we should not miss

The importance of prayer that we should not miss

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The importance of prayer

Allah says “O you who believe! Respond to (the call of) Allah and His Messenger when he calls you to that which gives you life.” Quran 8:24.

There are 3 reason why Prayer is important.

  1. Direct communication with Allah

“The closest a person is to his Lord is when he is in prostration.”

Prayer connects you with Allah. The Arabic word for prayer (As-Salah) is actually derived from the Arabic word meaning “connection”. Allah’s messenger (peace be upon him) said, “When any of you stands to pray, he is communicating with his Lord, so let him pay attention to how he speaks to Him.” Don’t sever this relationship with your Creator.

  1. A pillar of Islam

Prayer is the second most important pillar of Islam, and is the most regular compulsory action in a Muslim’s life. Prayer is an act that must be fulfilled daily, regardless of the circumstance. In fact, Allah did not even exempt the Muslims from praying during the battle! He says, “Guard strictly your prayers…If you fear (an enemy), pray on foot, or riding.” (Quran 2:238-239)

Such is the case during war. What then during peace?

  1. Success lies in the prayer

The Prophet (peace be upon Him) said,” The first of his deeds for which a man will be called to account on the Day of Resurrection will be the prayers. It is found to be perfect, he will be safe and successful. But if it is defective, he will be unfortunate and a loser.

Looking at these 3 reasons, we should take note on how important prayer is and always share this important note to every Muslims (family, friends and strangers) so that everyone will start to take note on this.

There’s a lot of Muslims who takes prayer for granted perhaps because they are raised in a condition where prayer is not important. Prayer is the most unimportant activities if to compare with studies, work, eating etc. Praying is just a tradition or ritual and have no impact.

Yes, initially it will have no impact as it is only a movement of body plus some recitations. However when someone start to pray seriously, he or she will know that prayer is so important and you are actually communicating with Allah, your Lord and Creator.

Imagine you are now in front of a king. How will you communicate?

Are you treating your prayer the same as how you would treat a Kind right now?

Well, perhaps it’s time to shake up on how we perform our daily prayers so that Allah will give us more blessings in our life.

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