Top 5 recommended florists in the Klang Valley

Top 5 recommended florists in the Klang Valley

Posted by ZAAHARA .COM on

Flowers are the best. They smell great, the look even better and they brighten up a room. Wether you need flowers for a wedding, a celebration, an apology or even just as a gift to your loved one, here are some great options that you can consider.

Here are 5 recommended florists in the Klang Valley :

  1. Deanna Creations


Deanna Creations cover a lot of events but they are most known for their stunning 'hantaran kahwin' flower designs. Their designs consist of fresh florals that coordinate with the wedding theme and they seem to add a little more shine and shimmer to your wedding trays.

They run operations in Kelana Jaya but they cover all over KL, areas in Selangor and Melaka as well. They have received raving reviews by their customers. If you’re interested in jazzing your fresh flowers for your wedding, then definitely check them out!

  1. Syarina Sheen


Syarina Sheen is a instagram florist. What does that mean? She runs her store from her instagram account and her instagram account is gorgeous. Her photos are aesthetically pleasing and her flower arrangements are classically modern. She has a style that mades classic look effortless.

She breaks the stigma of boring and traditional flower arrangements and she made her own rules. Although her arrangements follow some classic rules, she adds a soft twist to them. It is hard to explain how she is able to make the flowers look so great, but she does. Give her a follow on Instagram and give your eyes a nice treat with her page.

Instagram account : @syarinasheen

  1. Happy Bunch


Photo credit : Vulcan Post

Happy Bunch is a flower company that does more than flower deliveries per order but they actually do subscription boxes. These can range from weekly to monthly, catering to your preferences. Their flower arrangements change everyday, but they have options to choose from daily. They are also considered one of the cheaper florists in the Klang Valley, with RM42 for a bouquet. They come in a bunch of colours and options to choose from. Guaranteed to liven and brighten up someone’s day.

  1. Bloom This


Photo credit : Says

BloomThis is fancy little flower shop that delivers in KL, Selangor and Penang, for those of you up North. Their prices range on the higher end of the scale, but you do get your money’s worth with their flowers. Their bouquets and flower boxes do not just include flowers, BloomThis takes it a little further. Some boxes come with chocolates, some boxes come with bundle packs from the Body Shop, as a collaboration. If you want your flower arrangement with a little extra touch, then have a go with BloomThis.


  1. Michelle’s Flowery


Photo credit: TimeOut

Michelle’s Flowery is an online shop for flowers based in Petaling Jaya. They are known for their exquisite and traditional take on flower arrangements. Most think that traditional arrangements can look outdated and dull, and some of them do; however, Michelle’s Flowery does traditional so right. Their flowers are usually subtle, soft pastels and a tad rustic, but it does not overwhelm us. They are arranged in such a way that gives you a little warmth in your heart. Just give their flowers a chance, to please your eyes.


Instagram : @michellesflowery


Article is written by: 

Fatin Najwa binti Daud, is a medical student studying at IMU Malaysia. She is a freelance writer of this blog at Zaahara. Interests include music, art, sports and travel.

-Photos are taken from google images

© 2016 Zaahara Ventures Sdn. Bhd.


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  • Hi! Such a lovely post! Thank you so much! ❤️?

    Deanna Creations Team on

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