5 Reasons Why Telekung Siti Khadijah is a Hit

5 Reasons Why Telekung Siti Khadijah is a Hit

Posted by ZAAHARA .COM on

Telekung Siti Khadijah…Who hasn’t heard of this name yet? Surely every Malay Muslimah is aware of the existence of this extraordinary telekung.

For those who have been living under a rock for the past few years, this telekung brand is paving the road to be one of the top choices of your solat garbs.

There hasn’t been a quiet moment about this telekung brand since its debut in 2009 and it has been taking the world by storm since. No one has been able to deny the immense success of Telekung Siti Khadijah and one can’t help but wonder if all the fuss about these prayer outfits are really worth the hype or is it just another hop on the bandwagon of trends?

Here are the top 5 reasons why Telekung Siti Khadijah is such a huge hit.

1. The Quality

The number one reason that Telekung Siti Khadijah is so sought after is obviously because of the quality put into crafting these exquisite prayer outfits. Those who have tried the telekung will not be able to resist exclaiming their delight over the feeling of smooth, luxurious cotton of the finest quality.

Throw in some delicately made lace to adorn the oh-so-comfy material and you have yourselves a work of art. Each telekung found in the store is undoubtedly going to be a product made with the utmost care and passion, ensuring a unique experience to their customers.

Yes, the price of these lovely garments can be costly but isn’t it better to spend on some beautiful and top notch outfits for your prayers? After all, you wear fancy and expensive clothes to a dinner party to meet ordinary human beings, why not spend as much to meet the Almighty?

 2. Variety of choice


Telekung Siti Khadijah is the telekung being highly sought after

The next reason why Telekung Siti Khadijah is so incredibly popular is because of the variety of choices you get from just one brand. You don’t ever need to go to a different store once you’re in a Siti Khadijah outlet. There are just so many superbly crafted products there that one is sure to find what the heart truly desires.

The Classic collection that they have has about ten different types of telekung to choose from! And that’s just the Classic collection!

There’s the Classic Plain Special Edition, Classic Signature, The Classic Prayer Outfit and if you’re feeling a little bit bolder there’s even the Classic Denim Kain which uses some cooling denim fabric for comfort.

 All of these have their own individualistic designs, with laces adorning the edges and head area and coming in a wide array of colours to choose from. Seriously, it’s no joke when you walk into a Siti Khadijah outlet or even when you visit their website.

The choices you have are just way too many that it is guaranteed to leave you breathless with excitement.

3. Online Store


The third reason why this famous telekung is so celebrated is because of its online store. The fact that just about anybody can shop for a Siti Khadijah telekung just shows how easily accessible it is for people to procure one.

How amazing is this brand to make online shopping such a convenience for you? If one were to explore their website one would immediately know that they make their site as user friendly as possible to would-be customers. If you have thrown a product in your virtual shopping cart and you have any queries about your order, all you need to do is scroll down to the bottom of the page to track your order.

You can even view a couple of their videos about how to make online purchases. Aside from that, there’s always their contact details such as email and hotline number to use whenever you find yourself in a stump. In other words, Telekung Siti Khadijah makes their customers feel right at home whether it’s at the store itself or just their website.

Quality, Great Customer Service and variety of option


Telekung Siti Khadijah is a big hit because of its quality, great customer service and variety of options to choose from. But aside from that what else is so special about this renowned telekung?

4. Popular Telekung among the famous people


Well, another obvious reason why this telekung is the cat’s meow is because of its popularity with so many well-known people. The Permaisuri Agong, popular Malay artists and all the Datins and Datin Seris are using this amazing product and no wonder! One cannot deny that its popularity soared once famous celebrities and royalties started using it. As mentioned previously, everyone wants to look their best when they are at some sophisticated soirée, dressed in their finest.

Well, wouldn’t you want to look and feel your best when you are about to face The Almighty Allah? One would argue that this is definitely a valid reason as to why by word of mouth and celebrity culture, Siti Khadijah has become the got-to-have telekung of all time.

5.  It serves the purpose

Last but certainly not least, the ultimate reason why Siti Khadijah telekungs are such a smash hit is because of how well it actually serves its purpose. Ever get tired of sewing the “chin part”of your telekung to fit your face better?

Or having some extra cloth sewn below so that the bottom half of your telekung actually covers your feet? And how annoying is it when one of those strings you use to secure the head part of your telekung snaps off and you have to spend more time wasted on sewing the thing back on?

Yep, we’ve all been there. Now imagine a telekung so great that you don’t have to worry about your feet coming into contact with the air when you perform your solat.

Imagine a world where you don’t ever have to worry about finding an extra brooch to wear or having to sew that chin part of the telekung so that it’ll fit your face accurately.

Imagine a telekung made of such comfortable materials and is so aesthetically pleasing that you won’t want for another telekung for at least a few years. Imagine a telekung that keeps all of your hair in and not a single naughty little strand out of place.

With Telekung Siti Khadijah you get all of that and more. The product works so well that it can fit just about anybody and one never has to worry if your feet will show or not. Its light and breezy feel combined with how well it covers up every single part that needs to be covered is ultimately what makes Siti Khadijah the crème de la crème.

After all, one can talk about how aesthetically pleasing a product is but if it doesn’t do its job right, it’s still not very useful. So what are you waiting for? Go out there and grab yourself a Siti Khadijah, my Muslimah friends.


Nur Jalilah Binti Abdul Aziz, freelance writer of this blog at Zaahara. Interests include blog writing, academic writing and creative writing.
-Photos are taken from google images
© 2016 Zaahara Ventures Sdn. Bhd.

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