1. Patience
In spite of a busy daily life in this day and age , and always in a constant rush ; performing the Solat is a way to build up patience in life . Pacing meticulously in the movement like Sujud , Rukuk and etc. helps with build up of said patience .
2. Cleanliness & Hygiene
Ablution and clean clothes make up the form of Muslim when they are about to perform the Solat ; hence giving an image of cleanliness and well taken care of hygiene . Not only that , it also teaches Muslim to bring that lesson in real life when facing other Muslims and other religions .
3. A form of exercise
Many people don't realise it , but performing the Solat is also basically a form of exercise . This is most apparent when performing carefully choreographed movements and actions such as the Rukuk and Sujud , where the whole body moves in unison as stated in Islam .
4. The importance of what makes up Islam
Mentioned in the foreword , Solat makes up one of the five pillars of Islam . Hence signifying its importance , because it is one of the questions asked in the afterlife . Solat also makes up the daily blessing that a Muslim can get in the buildup of daily activities .
5. Direct communication with Allah
When in prayer , a Muslim is in contact with Allah . The Solat is literally a direct line between a Muslim and Allah
where they can ask for anything they want from Allah
in the doa after prayer .
6. Islam is a very forgiving religion
Solat can be performed in any way possible to cater to all types of people . Able bodied Muslims can pray normally as described by Muhammad . At the same time people with illness for example can pray in a special compensation ; ie praying while sitting or even lying on a bed by just winking their eyes or imagining the movement in a Solat .
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