By understanding the purpose of salah, Muslims can really enjoy the salah and will keep on doing it out of love.

7 Lessons We Can Learn from Performing the Muslim Prayer (Solat)

Posted by ZAAHARA .COM on

The Solat forms part of the five pillars of Islam (other four being Shahada which is the declaration of Faith, Zakāt which is Alms-giving or Charity, Fasting during the month of Ramadhan, and the Hajj which is a Pilgrimage to Mecca .) .
But aside from that , the Solat has many beneficial properties in a physical aspect also that's available spiritually . A big portion of society are unaware that performing the Solat gives these benefits without even realising it .
Lessons that can be learned from solat include :

1. Patience

In spite of a busy daily life in this day and age , and always in a constant rush ; performing the Solat is a way to build up patience in life . Pacing meticulously in the movement like Sujud , Rukuk and etc. helps with build up of said patience .

2. Cleanliness & Hygiene

Ablution and clean clothes make up the form of Muslim when they are about to perform the Solat ; hence giving an image of cleanliness and well taken care of hygiene . Not only that , it also teaches Muslim to bring that lesson in real life when facing other Muslims and other religions .

3. A form of exercise

Many people don't realise it , but performing the Solat is also basically a form of exercise . This is most apparent when performing carefully choreographed movements and actions such as the Rukuk and Sujud , where the whole body moves in unison as stated in Islam .

4. The importance of what makes up Islam

Mentioned in the foreword , Solat makes up one of the five pillars of Islam . Hence signifying its importance , because it is one of the questions asked in the afterlife . Solat also makes up the daily blessing that a Muslim can get in the buildup of daily activities .

5. Direct communication with Allah subḥānahu wa ta'āla (glorified and exalted be He)

When in prayer , a Muslim is in contact with Allah subḥānahu wa ta'āla (glorified and exalted be He) . The Solat is literally a direct line between a Muslim and Allah subḥānahu wa ta'āla (glorified and exalted be He) where they can ask for anything they want from Allah subḥānahu wa ta'āla (glorified and exalted be He) in the doa after prayer .

6. Islam is a very forgiving religion

Solat can be performed in any way possible to cater to all types of people . Able bodied Muslims can pray normally as described by Muhammad ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) . At the same time people with illness for example can pray in a special compensation ; ie praying while sitting or even lying on a bed by just winking their eyes or imagining the movement in a Solat .

7. Time management

Lastly , Solat also offers up an opportunity to conduct time management . In a very busy daily life , performing the Solat can offer up respite from hectic schedules and give an opportunity to organise things better .

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