Chatting Corner : An interview with FarahCosmesticsKL

Chatting Corner : An interview with FarahCosmesticsKL

Posted by ZAAHARA .COM on

 Farah Cosmetic - A local (Kuala Lumpur) homegrown makeup brand


"Farah Cosmestics KL” is an instagram-based company that premiers liquid lipsticks. In the peak of 2016, liquid lipsticks became all the rage. And even after a year later, liquid lipsticks are still on trend and has turned to become a modern classic.

“Farah Cosmetics KL” use that knowledge and turned out their own line of liquid lipsticks. In an array of 5 bold and flattering shades, it’s no wonder why liquid lipsticks are still a thing to this day. I got to talk to the founder of “Farah Cosmetics KL”, Nurmazani, about her business.


  1. What inspired you to create your own brand?


Somewhat of it stems from my love for makeup and the beauty world but mainly, I wanted to create my own makeup line at an affordable price. It was about making things accessible in the heat of the trend.


  1. What does Farah Cosmetics KL mean to you?


Everything. I wanted Malaysians to start appreciating our local products and market. It was all about showing support to local businesses and products. “Farah Cosmetics KL”are made locally and the quality is as good as any other product, global brand, that you can find the pharmacy or drugstore.


  1. What differentiates you and other cosmetic companies in Malaysia?

As mentioned earlier, we are a local brand. So we cater to our Malaysians first and foremost. In the future, we hope to expand and widen our choices of colours. But with the beautiful mix of cultures and faces that we have in Malaysia, we wanted to make sure the colours complemented and reflected that beauty of Malaysia.


  1. What is the best part about running your own business?

Time freedom! And amongst the process of competing with other brands, it motivates you to be the best and to make the best product for consumers.

  1. What is the most challenging part about running your own business? 

Most challenging part is to come out with good and high quality makeup. This is to ensure that buyers are confident with out product. Marketing is also the most challenging part. There are many makeup brands out there, so you will need to make your brand noticeable.


  1. What is your advice for anyone starting out their own business?

Do a lot of research. Everyone can come out with their own product but how to run and promote or to make people purchase your product is not easy. Branding is a long process. You will need to be consistent.


It is evident that Mrs. Nurmazani is a high-driven, well-oiled business woman that has a goal and is going to achieve it. It was a pleasure to be able to talk to her about her company. Her products are also great. I myself tried her liquid lipstick in “plump” and “copacabana" and I instantly fell in love. Check out her instagram : @farahcosmeticskl. Give her page and product some love.



Article is written by: 

Fatin Najwa binti Daud, is a medical student studying at IMU Malaysia. She is a freelance writer of this blog at Zaahara. Interests include music, art, sports and travel.

-Photos are taken from google images

© 2016 Zaahara Ventures Sdn. Bhd.

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