Emulate the good character of prophet Muhammad's companion to spread dakwah

Emulate the good character of prophet Muhammad's companion to spread dakwah

Posted by ZAAHARA .COM on

There’s always room for improvement. The greatest revolution starts with yourselves.  How when people see the muslims, do they feel that the muslims are different. Do they see that the muslims are people of khayr. Because when Allah speaks about this ummah, he says:

You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah . If only the People of the Scripture had believed, it would have been better for them. Among them are believers, but most of them are defiantly disobedient. (3:110)

We are meant to be people who are different, we are meant to be people that who make a change. We are meant to be the people like sahaba (RA) they were people wherever they went, they made a difference.

A Sahabi went to (Hims) in Syria, and he opened a shop and these were the ethics and the morals when it comes to business, he opened a shop and one day a Christian came to his shop and the Christian asked him, he said I want some wheat and the sahabi says to him he says across the road there’s a shop of a Christian I been watching his shop nobody has come buy to buy from his shop why don’t you go and buy from his shop because I have had enough sales to feed my children tonight. 

So this Cristian goes to the Christian shops and then after a while he comes back to the sahabi’s shop so the sahabi asked him, he said did you not find what you were looking for? He said no , no I found what I was looking for he said but there’s something else I want. He said what else do you want? He said I want this iman (belief).

I want this belief that you have and the sahabi ra said, do not hurry do not hasten. These are things you do not hasten take your time with belief and the man said the Christian said no no no…

I want this iman, I want this belief because if this is the character of a mere companion of the prophet Muhammad saw then what must have been the character of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) himself?

How must the prophet saw be?

Now I ask you and this is a question for all of us :

  1. Are we an asset (benefit) to this deen?
  2. Do our lives reflect the character of the prophet Muhammad (saw)
  3. Do we turn people towards Islam?
  4. Or do we turn people away from Islam?

That’s a question everybody has to ask.

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