London Terror Attack:  The world is shocked once again with 5 people dead and 40 others injured

London Terror Attack: The world is shocked once again with 5 people dead and 40 others injured

Posted by ZAAHARA .COM on

Oh no! Again! Its terrorism! Let’s attack the Muslims!

Okay not lets us do a quick recap on the latest incident involving London Terror Attack and see if this is an act of terrorism or actually a mad person doing crazy stunt.

At 2.40pm London time, the world is in shocked due to the latest London Terror attack in Westminister Bridge.  As of currently we are writing this, this is what the information we have so far:

  1. Number of people killed and injured

  • At least four people have been killed
  • One police officer and the alleged terrorist are among those dead
  • One woman was killed after being run over by a car on Westminster Bridge
  • A fourth person is also thought to have been killed on the bridge
  • Others are believed to be suffering ‘catastrophic injuries’

      2. What World leaders say

German Prime Minister Angela Merkel promised support to the UK.
“Although the background to these incidents still needs to be exactly clarified, I confirm on behalf of Germany and its citizens that we stand firmly and resolutely by Britain’s side when it comes to fighting any kind of terrorism,” Merkel said in an e-mailed statement.

France’s President Francois Hollande expressed “solidarity” with the British people, saying “terrorism concerns us all and France knows how the British people are suffering today.”
The mayor of Paris also decided to turn the lights of at the iconic Eiffel Tower in a show of support for Britain.

The United States
For his part, US President Donald Trump tweeted that he spoke with British Prime Minister Theresa May to offer his condolences and added, in a separate tweet, that she was “strong and doing very well.”


Meanwhile the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council, which includes Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain and Oman, described the attack as "a terrible crime that is incompatible with all values and principles of humanity.'' 

The Saudi Press Agency reports that Saudi Arabia's King Salman sent a cable of condolences to British Prime Minister Theresa May in which he says the kingdom "strongly condemns this terrorist act.'' London is a popular destination for thousands of Saudi and Arab Gulf tourists. -APAsian

Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang made a statement during a meeting in Canberra, Australia.
“Together, we send our condolences to the prime minister of the UK and together we condemn terrorism and we stand against all forms of terrorism.”

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said: “Australia stands in resolute solidarity with the people of Britain in war against terrorism. Our heartfelt sympathies are with the victims.”


      3.  The Assailant




  • The assailant is known as Khalid Masood, 53. He was previously investigated by MI5 for violent extremism
  • He stayed in a London Hotel the night before and the Hotel staff even call him ‘nice man’ on the computer booking.
  • The assailant is believed to have driven over Westminster Bridge and then crashed into gates outside Parliament
  • He then stabbed a police officer before being shot
      4. Other information
  • A woman has been pulled alive from the River Thames
  • Three French students among those seriously injured on the bridge
  • Police have cleared the surrounding area

But without any more evidences, details or reason of motive, let us not make accusations that are based only on mere thoughts and paranoia. Some has labelled it as a terrorist attack while some called it as a madman’s fiasco. Either way, we shouldn’t be pointing fingers on anything or anyone. Those who believes in peace and harmony must now come together and help one another across the globe.

Terrorism is not Islam. It originates from terror + terrorist

Now the word terrorism. It is a common word nowadays due to the tragedies that has been happening lately. The word itself originates from terror and a terrorist is an individual who incites terror. As we all should know, there are no teachings that provokes destruction and terror in this world but instead they enforce peace, harmony, diplomacy and love.

So with it, we must stay strong and brave because the moment we cower behind fear is the moment we surrender towards terrorism, the world’s antagonist that gave themselves a mission to spread negativity while we could actually live with smiles, laugher and taking care of one another.

Towards London, Paris, America, Syria and all of those who are under conflict, we are here for you, our hearts are with you. We will not stop lending a hand and with every seconds passes by; we hope that our bonds will continue to strengthen.


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