MUSLIMS AROUND THE WORLD:  25 years of being a revert in Netherland

MUSLIMS AROUND THE WORLD: 25 years of being a revert in Netherland

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We were given a chance to be by Sister Amina, a Muslim Dutch who reverted to Islam 25 years ago to share a little bit about her life in Netherlands as a Muslim. Perhaps this is another story from us to include as many Muslims globally for us to learn, share and inspire each other.

With a lot of misconception about Islam especially in the West, we believe that there is always a ways for us to reach out to each other. With doa and willingness to be part of the Ummah, we will all be stronger within time.


Please tell us a little bit about yourself:

My name is Amina. I am Dutch and 52 years old. I am a converted muslim since about 25 years.

No one else in my family has become Muslim.

I have 3 (grown) children Girls and 3 grandchildren. Only one of them is currently living at home.

Are you originally from Asia (Pakistan, India, Bangladesh) or any parts of the world.

I have been living all my live in the Netherlands, my mother is still alive. I am not originated from Asia or other parts of the world. I do have Muslim friends here from Singapore and some African countries.


How do you lead your life as a Muslim there? Is it easy for you to perform your prayers anywhere you go?

In the Netherlands we can live pretty easy, there are a lot of Mosques and shops where we can buy all we need. Food, clothes etc.

For Muslim men it is easier to perform prayers outside the home. since the men and women are separated in most of our mosques, it is not always easy for women to perform prayers outside of the home.

How do you cope with Islamophobia in Netherland? Or there is nothing to worry. 

Due to politics there is a change noticeable in the way Muslims are perceived. That is not always a good thing unfortunately. Because of a lot of negative attention in the media we can feel that people are not happy with us.

Islamophobia is also in the Netherlands and has to do with the way the media is portraying the things that are done in the world in the name of Islam.

How do you shop for Islamic products in Netherlands?

I personally shop mostly online, this is more convenient for me as I am working fulltime, Alhamdulilah.


What surah/ ayat in Quran that you’d like to share and why do you choose this.

I have a lot of Surah that I like, but Surah As shams and Sorah As-Sharh are one of my favorites.

Surah Shams 

Surah As shams

Surah As Shars

What would you advise to the Muslim ladies across other regions?

My advice for other women is to seek find sisters who are like minded to yourself, so you can exchange ideas and let your heart be at ease if you feel like it.

Keep yourself surrounded by people who have your best interest at heart. May Allah guide you all and put love for Islam in your hearts, in sha Allah.


Met vriendelijke groet,

Amina  Lambregts


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