Top 10 Hantaran Kahwin in 2017 which you should know

Top 10 Hantaran Kahwin in 2017 which you should know

Posted by ZAAHARA .COM on

 Wedding season is all around us. The fresh scents of newly-weds are flourished around us. And if you are having a wedding of your own in the near future, congratulations! As many of you know, in Malay tradition and culture, we have a series of gifts for our future husband/wife called “hantaran kahwin”.

Long has this tradition been applied to the Malay weddings that we know so well. But in this article, I am going to tell you about some traditional hantaran kahwins with a modern twist :


  1. Quraan


The Quraan has been a tried and true gift and for good reason. It is a humbling gift, a symbol of the unity of a newly-wed couple in the eyes of Allah (s.w.t). It almost extends as a promise that their marriage is by the permission of Allah (s.w.t). The Quraan is a beautiful gift. It has been in many hantaran kahwins, maybe all, over the years. And this is one traditional gift that needs to modern twist because the Quraan will never go out of style. Its guidance will always be eternal.


  1. Prayer Mat, Songkok, Telekung


Photo credit: Zaahara Telekung

Next to the Quraan, is following a similar theme to religion : prayer mats, telekungs and songkoks. Many of us tend to buy one prayer mat/telekung/songkok and never think about buying a new one. Why is this? Just like our day-to-day clothing, these things evolve in the design and the functionality.

We may not need to buy new ones monthly, but we should not neglect new designs. Just take a look at the range of designs for telekungs at Zaahara. You have pastels, colours , cotton fabric, travel, premium, wedding series and even a series for your journey to Hajj and Umrah.


  1. Make-up or Facial Products


Photo credit: Genevieve Magazine

Self-care products are a great hantaran kahwin for your loved one. It is personal because you know exactly what brand, which product and how much of the product they use. In 2017, the big trend of makeup in females is highlighters and contour. Check out Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector Powder or Kevyn Auction The Celestial Powder. For men, facial washes have been gaining momentum. Try out Clinique’s Charcoal Facial Wash for men.


  1. Gadgets


Gadgets as hantaran kahwin has been introduced when gadgets were readily accessible and affordable to the public, in 2005 at latest. Specifically in 2017, the latest and hottest new gadgets are virtual reality consoles, the new Samsung S8 or iPhone 7S+, Microsoft Surface and a bunch more. If you are willing to splurge a little, then consider gadgets. 


  1. Perfume


Perfumes are a truly intimate and personal gift. They are scents and we are biologically tailored to associate certain scents with certain people/places/things. So, it is a lot of pressure to get a perfect scent for the one your love. The hottest scents in 2017 for women is Chance by Chanel or Victor&Rolf’s Flowerbomb. For men, Tom Ford’s Neroli Portofino or Versace Man Eau Fraiche.


  1. Accessories (bag, wallet, jewellery)

Accessories are a great gift as well, in terms of functionality and creativeness. The upcoming trends with gifts in accessories are accent pieces. Meaning sticking to a monochromatic theme, but then a pop of colour. For example, having a all black watch but with a striking red clock needle. Or for handbags, having an accent piece attached : a scarf or a tag. 


  1. Watch

Watches are lovely because they look great and they are extremely functional. This may be an essential gift if your partner is known to be late a few times. Give your partner the gift of time for your hantaran kahwin. The coolest watch on the market happens to be the Rado : True Thinline. A very sleek design that makes it easy to pair and match.


  1. Shoes

Everyone loves shoes. It is a great form of expression, regardless of the shoe. You can get sandles or sneakers or stilletoes or just some socks too. Shoes will never go out of fashion. Therefore when getting shoes for your partner, firstly know their shoe size and know their shoe style. What shoe do they like or prefer.


  1. Photo Album

A photo album consisting of the memories of the couple is a wonderful gift. It is thoughtful and intimate. It is a reminder of all the great memories and all the great moments that you have shared with your partner. Include some blank pages at the back, to remind yourselves to continue adding onto the memories. It’s  a new type of hantaran kahwin, but it is just as unique.


  1. Fresh Flowers


Photo credit: The Vulcan Post

Who doesn’t love a fresh batch of flowers? They are easy on the eyes and some smell great. Yes, it may get a tad upsetting when they wilt out and die but it’s worth keeping as long as you can. Now, in the wedding stream, lilies and dahlias are making a huge surge. They are being used for so many weddings now. And the colour palette is sticking to subtle, moody hues. Nothing too bold or bright.


Article is written by: 

Fatin Najwa binti Daud, is a medical student studying at IMU Malaysia. She is a freelance writer of this blog at Zaahara. Interests include music, art, sports and travel.

-Photos are taken from google images

© 2016 Zaahara Ventures Sdn. Bhd.

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