I bought my first telekung Sofia in Aug 2022. While the material is not the same as my first telekung, I do like the lightness of it and easy to just roll and stuff in the the travel bag.
The longer length for me, there's pro and con.. pro is I don't have to worry about accidentally exposing my hands/arms during prayer. Con is I have to be careful where I stand if the room has a ceiling fan.. the telekung will tend for flare (kembang) and when I sujud, it will fly over my head.. LOL and expose my arms. I only use in an aircond room/surau.
My name is Matt. I’m here to say a very big thanks to Priest Salami and his great Oracle for saving my marriage. No one would have believe that I and my wife will ever come back together again as lovers. But this great spell caster reunited us in just 48hours. Priest Salami is truly a real and honest online spell caster. Contact him now on: purenaturalhealer@gmail.com. Whatsapp number: +2348143757229
There seems to be a mistake during sujud with the hands flat on the ground and also the feet of the female were not properly fixed on the ground, placed side ways. Allah knows best