Benefits or privileges of dates, especially as a fasting opener?

Benefits or privileges of dates, especially as a fasting opener?

Posted by ZAAHARA .COM on

Muslims are familiar with the practice of Sunnah eating dates in the month of Ramadan and fasting. But what are the benefits or privileges of dates, especially as a fasting opener?

Let's examine the content: 

1.  Simple Sugar: It contains fructose and decryptos (glucose or simple sugars) that provide fast energy. Ideal for breaking.

2.  Fiber or fiber: Fats not only provide quick energy through simple sugars, but fiber is ideal for digestion and provides lasting energy. Fiber is ideal for slowing down digestion and should not surprise an empty stomach. Also as a "stomach pillow" before eating heavier foods.

3.   Low Sodium: This is important at a time when we are short of water.   High sodium (salt) foods speed up dehydration. 

  4. High Potassium: Potassium is important in balancing body fluids, including heart rate control and blood pressure.  

 5. Antioxides: An antioxidant-rich supplement such as beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin. It may not be an important factor in fasting but there are benefits to the body's immune system.  

 6. Other: Calcium is also rich in protein, vitamins B1, B2, B3 and B5, A and C. It also contains calcium, manganese, copper, iron (iron) and magnesium.

Can dates make you fat? Anything that you consume more than the approved calories will definitely increase your calories and thus make you fat. One dates contain 30-60 calories depending on size and sweetness. A couple of dates every day should be fine. Just don’t go overboard with it.



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