10 NGO's in Malaysia That You Should Know

10 NGO's in Malaysia That You Should Know

Posted by ZAAHARA .COM on

Haven’t you ever watched the news, see all the terror and destruction happening around you, and you start feeling restless, you ask yourself “What can I do to help?”  The answer to that question is by joining a non-governmental organization (NGO).

In case you do not know what an NGO is, it is an organization that is independent of government, is non-profit and the members are voluntary citizens. There are numerous NGOs in Malaysia catering for various needs for you to choose from.

1. Small Changes Malaysia

Small Changes Malaysia believe in making small changes by providing volunteering network and empowerment platform that lead to big differences.

“Small Changes, Big Differences” is a belief that one does not need to be grandeur in action to make an impact, which sometimes will lead to inaction due to the feeling of smallness by oneself therefore believing they will be insignificant. We believe in tapping the skills of people and channeling them to be useful. This has consequently lead to the desire in doing good for the Malaysian society as a whole.

Their projects involve a lot of youths volunteering their time and energy to empower those less unfortunate through knowledge and guidance and motivation. They are known for organizing camps schools and kampung in rural areas. 

2. Muslim Volunteers Malaysia 

Muslim Volunteers Malaysia is one of the biggest known association amongst students with 1753 registered volunteers to date. They are known for connecting big companies to sponsor for those less-unfortunate and have also worked with big organizations too. 

2. MyKasih

Among the many is MyKasih which helps all Malaysians who are underprivileged regardless of race, status and religion. They offer help in the form of providing food, health awareness and financial literacy programmes, children's education, and skills training programmes.

By developing a subsidy scheme with ePetrol’s cashless payment system, this NGO endeavours to break the cycle of poverty by educating the unfortunate youth.

3. Incitement

Incitement is a social business founded in 2011 and has since spread to 46 countries. They develop and implement sustainable development programmes together with consumer brands and are a trusted government partner of the Ministry of Finance of Malaysia. Incitement is the company behind the platform Inpactor, a social network for Corporate Social Responsibility for brands, causes, and volunteers."

4. WWF Malaysia

WWF-Malaysia (World Wide Fund for Nature) is an environmental organization that started in 1972 with only two people in it. This day, there are about 200 people working and more than 90 projects going on currently involving research, education and public awareness programmes as well as other things.

If you are a nature lover, then this NGO is perfect for you as it aims to sustain renewable natural resources, conserve the biological diversity and reduce pollution.

5. Amnesty International Malaysia

People who wish for more rights as citizens, Amnesty International Malaysia is a great way to abolish the death penalty, preventing human rights abuses, battling discrimination and encouraging equality. This NGO also promotes freedom of expression and the freedom to organize a group to create a human right.

6. Do Something Good

Do Something Good is an all-round volunteering network. It hosts multiple events in just one day, such as tutoring disadvantaged children, farm volunteer work and fundraising activities. With the quote by William Shakespeare, “The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away” on its home page, you can even create an event simply by registering on the website.

7. Free Tree Society

Taking a simpler idea with small efforts and making it into something colossal is truly magnificent. Free Tree Society gives free plants to the public on environmental holidays to promote a greener world. What they do is collect seeds, sprout them, nurture them and then give them away with the hopes that people will appreciate plants more.

8. Fugee School

Fugee School helps refugee children in Malaysia. The founder of this organization started out by providing Math and English tuition to four Somali children, the word spread and many more refugee children asked to be educated. Thus, this NGO was formed and now it has 160 students.

9. EcoKnights

Established in 2005, EcoKnights focusses on the environment. It helps communities be more aware of the environment, has environmental education programmes, partnership programmes and promotes green entrepreneurship.

EcoKnights is famous for hosting the Kuala Lumpur Eco Film Festival which has film screenings, workshops and talks on environmental topics like pollution, climate change and waste management.  

10. EPIC Homes

EPIC Homes is an NGO providing safe and sustainable housing for the poor, mainly the Orang Asli, by building the houses themselves with their own bare hands. The housing will hopefully improve the health, learning and livelihood of the underprivileged families. As members, efforts for this NGO do not only build the houses, but also build friendships with the Orang Asli.

After joining and contributing for an NGO, you will be rewarded with the self-satisfaction of doing a good deed. So do not hesitate to do so. As mentioned before, there are a plethora of NGOs you can offer your much needed and appreciated services to. These are only a few from the hundreds you can find.




Article is written by: 

Nur Jalilah Binti Abdul Aziz, freelance writer of this blog at Zaahara. Interests include blog writing, academic writing and creative writing.

-Photos are taken from google images

© 2018 Zaahara Ventures Sdn. Bhd.

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  • Assalamualaikum
    And Hello
    Attention: zaahara
    My Name is Hammad Zahid.
    13 year old
    We are Pakistani refugees We have a family of seven people,
    5 , children.
    2 , adult.
    My father works as a laborer and is paid very little My father also has a health problem ,And we four younger siblings also go to School .
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    You are requested to help us Immediately..
    Thanks Regard
    Hammad Zahid
    Refugee Family.

    Taman Taming Ria 1
    Mavar Block Fourth Floor House No 3AF-12 Seri Kembengan Selengor Malaysia

    hammad zahid on
  • Assalamualaikum
    And Hello
    Attention: zaahara
    My Name is Hammad Zahid.
    13 year old
    We are Pakistani refugees We have a family of seven people,
    5 , children.
    2 , adult.
    My father works as a laborer and is paid very little My father also has a health problem ,And we four younger siblings also go to School .
    Due to our school fees and rent, our food is not fully provided My father had a big business in Pakistan. We lost three hundred and fifty million rupees due to which we had to migrate from there. Because my father’s business partner had become the enemy of our family’s life, we had to immediately join the Malaysia,.
    You are requested to help us Immediately..
    Thanks Regard
    Hammad Zahid
    Refugee Family.

    Taman Taming Ria 1
    Mavar Block Fourth Floor House No 3AF-12 Seri Kembengan Selengor Malaysia

    hammad zahid on
  • Dear Sir/madam

    Please save us, they will kill us. Please save us.
     I am a twelve years old boy and our family consists of my father, mother, three brothers and two sisters, in which my youngest sister was born in Malaysia.
     Due to the fear of our death, we all migrated here and left our native country on 22 February, 2020; since the day we have banned ourselves in small room, living a miserable and prisonous life.

     As we reached here, we atonce approched UNHCR. They had recorded our photographs alongwith thumb-prints. We have to  file our “Case for Asylum” but they had informed us to wait until receive their call or email to submit file. Still  no progress yet at their end.

    I have to take your intention towards some of our main problems:

    a. Our enimes are in-power either economically and also by men-power that they can kill anybody and anywhere they want.
    b. Moreover, our economical condition is so critical that we can’t afford even our food three times a day.
    c. Due to all these circumstances/reasons, our education and future both spoiled. Everyone knows that for learning, there is a specific time, if overage then its difficult to learn and also waste.

     Alives need Help/Support. I am Appealing and humbly requesting on WORLD-LEVEL to please help us, Either to continue our education or support us to get our education started once again.

    Adress: Malysia Selegor
    Taman taming ria 1 .mavar block
    house no:3AF_12
    Telephone: 00601140083786
    Email: tyearold629@gmail.com

    Thanks regard
    Hammad zahid

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