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Benefits or privileges of dates, especially as a fasting opener?
Muslims are familiar with the practice of Sunnah eating dates in the month of Ramadan and fasting. But what are the benefits or privileges of...
Kurma is not just a food for breaking fast
A few more weeks before we enter Ramadhan again, dates are being sold all over the country and various brands are available for...
Kurma Ajwa directly from farm in Madinah to your doorstep in Malaysia
Anas ibn Malik reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, would break his fast before praying with fresh dates. If there were no...
Why is telekung important among the ladies
Why is Telekung so special? Historically, telekung was first heard as early as 15th centuries. During that period of time, most of the Muslim ladies...
The importance of adab (right action) in calling Muslims to the right path
There is so much anger in this world. How do I come to this conclusion? I simply have to check my Whats App messages, emails...
The must have packing checklist for hajj /umrah
To most of you who are first timer in performing umrah/ hajj, there must certainly be a feeling of excitement and also nervous. The most...
10 Tips for the Working Mom
These days, many women are also financially contributing to their family. They juggle between work at the office and also at home. Sometimes, I wonder...
Stop being lazy and how we can overcome it
The Prophet (peace be upon him) once said,” The son of Adam will not be dismissed from before his Lord on the day of Resurrection...
The importance of prayer that we should not miss
The importance of prayer Allah says “O you who believe! Respond to (the call of) Allah and His Messenger when he calls you to that...