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By J. Dustice

Your store hasn’t published any blog posts yet. A blog can be used to talk about new product launches, tips, or other news you want to share with your customers. You can check out Shopify’s ecommerce blog for inspiration and advice for your own store and blog.

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Telekung kanak-kanak ini dibeli oleh ibunya agar anaknya yang berumur 5 tahun dapat belajar bagaimana pengalaman solat jemaah ke haji. Alhamdulillah. Ibunya memberitahu Zaahara bahawa kanak-kanak ini sudah mula cintakan solat kerana telekung kanak-kanak y

Ajar Anak Tentang Haji Melalui Telekung


Ramai dikalangan rakan-rakan saya yang selalu tertanya-tanya bagaimana cara yang mudah dan simple supaya mereka  boleh  educate anak mereka untuk menjadi lebih beriman dan suka...

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Puan Padzilah Enda Sulaiman adalah pengasas kepada jenama Telekung Siti Khadijah yang sangat popular di sekitar Asia Tenggara. Beliau bermula dari hanya beberapa helai sebulan dan kini beliau sudah mengorak langkah sehingga hampir 10,000 telekung setiap b
telekung travel travel telekung

Kisah kejayaan : Bagaimana Puan Padzilah Enda Sulaiman berjaya membersarkan Siti Khadijah (Telekung SK) ke tahap yang luar biasa


Semalam saya terdengar perbincangan founder Pengeluar Telekung No.1 Malaysia, Puan Padzilah di radio Ikim. "Kami bukan nak buat business short term. Kami ada plan untuk...

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Travel Telekung ringan dan mudah dibawa diperbuat dari kain cotton cina (Chinese cotton). Travel telekung cotton ini beratnya 600g dan tidak akan terbang bila ditiup angin seperti travel telekung lain. Travel telekung cotton ini mudah dibawa ke mana-mana
mukena telekung pastel telekung travel travel telekung

Tiada Lagi Masalah Kain Telekung Terbang


Diperbuat daripada kain kapas berkualiti yang ringan dan mudah dibawa ke mana saja terutama ketika mengembara, rekaan telekung Sofia (telekung travel) daripada butik, pilihan...

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Fasting on the day of Ashurah is an expiation for the minor sins committed  in the previous year

On Fasting on the day of Ashurah (10th Muharram)


Muharram is the first month of the Islamic calendar. Muharram means “Forbidden”. Even before Islam,this month is considered as a sacred month whereby all unlawful...

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In life we must be learn how to choose the right partner as that is the biggest investment in life in terms of monetary, time and risk. This is by far the highest risk in ones life. One thing to take note, marriage is also a gamble and therefore, someone

How do you choose the right life partner?


It can become very challenging being single in this day and age. Social media outs that much pressure on us to have the perfect life,...

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WAQAF 101 - What is Waqaf?

WAQAF 101 - What is Waqaf?


Waqaf – Road to Jannah 1.0 What is Waqaf (Endowment)? Definition: Waqaf means to stop, contain or to preserve. In shariah, a Waqaf is a...

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Here's Why Lombok is Special ;)

Here's Why Lombok is Special ;)


THE CITY OF 1001 MOSQUES - You heard that right! There is a city nearby to our country that is referred to as “City of 1001...

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7 Small but Meaningful Steps in Becoming Better Muslims!

7 Small but Meaningful Steps in Becoming Better Muslims!


Everyone wishes to become a better Muslim every now and then. It’s a human’s fitrah wanting to be better than what they were before. Good...

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3 Tips to Develop Humility in Your Heart

3 Tips to Develop Humility in Your Heart


There are many good acts can be done in our lives to attain happiness and develop humility in our hearts. These are some examples of what...

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